Saturday, March 20, 2010

Page 39 Panel

By: Kari Duddeck, Kayla Randall, and Lynnae Johnson

The panel that we decided to analyze can be found on page 39 of the book Pedro & Me. In this particular panel Pedro has just arrived to America for the first time. As he steps off the ship he is handed an apple. The apple means a lot to him because it reminds him of his brother back in Cuba. We know that this is the case because the prior two panels show Pedro stepping off the boat and then handed an apple, the panel comes right out and says how he feels about the apple and what it makes him think about, and the panel illustrates a pair of small hands taking an apple from adult-sized hands. We also know that the apple reminds him of his brother because Pedro starts to cry. Pedro flashes back to conversations with his brother and their ideas of America and what they wish they could experience someday. This particular panel could be compared to page 33 of the book. On page 33 the illustrations depict the various hardships that Pedro and his family have gone through and will continue to face as they live in Cuba. The panel shows that something so simple, such as being handed an apple, can mean so much. Pedro was so used to having a difficult life with minimal luxuries. To be given an apple by a complete stranger is very uplifting, especially to a young child. This particular panel doesn’t have a lot of variation in darkness or shading. The majority of the objects within the panel are light in color with minimal shading. The font that is used in our panel is the same font that is used throughout the book and there are no bold or italicized words. The way the text in the panel is set up seems to have more of a significance than the words themselves. The most significant part of the panel is the bold apple in the center of the panel. One of the first things that came to mind is the closeness of the apple. The fact that the apple is focused on and is close up signifies that the apple is of importance. Another interesting aspect of the apple and the way it is portrayed is that Pedro takes the apple with both hands. The apple is of sentimental value to Pedro and the fact that he takes it with both hands shows that he cherishes the apple and everything that the apple means. The apple symbolizes a lot about Pedro and his life. It symbolizes his family and his sentiments towards his brother and it also symbolizes his new life free of the many hardships he experienced in Cuba.


  1. Your group made an excellent point about how one panel often reflects or refers to another previous panel. I really like what you said about how Pedro grabs the apple with both hands. If I was handed an apple, I would just quickly grab it with one hand. Obviously, this apple means a lot to Pedro... I wonder if he ate it right away, or inspected it first- admiring the apple. I agree that the apple holds a lot of symbolism. Your group did a nice job analyzing something that seems so "simple".

  2. I think your group did a really nice job on your paragraph and I liked how you guys picked up on the little things like the apple. Not a lot of people would think anything of getting an apple from a stranger; most people would throw it away. But you guys realized that it meant more to Pedro because like you said he grew up with little luxuries and receiving a present from a stranger was a big deal. Awesome job!

  3. I liked your analysis of the apple passing. You related it well to the rest of the book. I think it was great that you chose this particular panel because it's a great example of how much symbolism can be compacted into a single, seemingly ordinary, illustration. I also agreed with you that this part is another transition- from the hardships to an easier life. In the panel it also stuck out that his brother had never seen an apple before; I think that's important because here, like you said, things are taken for granted. It makes the reader pause to consider how easy their life is.

  4. Great post! When I read about Pedro getting the apple, at first I didn't see it as such a big deal. But, when you look at the drawing of Pedro's hands receiving this gift, you can see how much it really means to him. I like that your group pointed out that this really could be symbolic to Pedro's future. He has accepted this gift with both hands. Later in his life, after finding out he had AIDS, Pedro gave back what he could give by educating others. I also enjoyed the fact that someone was kind enough to hand an apple to each person coming off of that boat. A very thoughtful gesture!

  5. The way that the apple symbolizes more than just apple is very interesting. I think the drawing brings that part of the story more to life because it made Pedro remember his brother that he had to leave back in Cuba. The hands passing the apple to Pedro's hands makes the drawing feel that Pedro realize that he is not in Cuba anymore and that he and his family could start a new life.

    In this panel I think there is so much light because even though the apple brings back memories of Pedro’s brother, it also symbolizes a new brighter begging in a new country. Winick is very good at using different shading to bring out different moods.

  7. The moment Pedro received the apple is definitely symbolic of how he knew things would be better in America. Your description of the panel is done very well; I didn’t notice that the apple does really stick out as a bold feature of the panel. The focus is definitely drawn to the apple being handed to the hands of a child. To a small child this had to have been a big event in his life, especially after the long trip to arrive in America.

  8. Within this response you sure do talk a lot about the apple and its symbolization towards Pedro. You go on to say that it reminds him of his brother, when actually it reminds him of all of his family that was left behind in. His family should also be able to enjoy such great things in America such as the apple and the coke. There is a part of him that feels guilty that they will not get to experience everything he will get to experience. In your statement you should have focused more on just one panel and not going back to other panels, or using the whole page.

  9. I like that you chose the apple panel that signifies Pedro and his family. Some of them were able to come to America and some had to be left behind. I think it is very important that you pointed out that he takes the apple with both hands because it does really add a cherished feel to the panel. The fact that the apple reminds him of his brother and that his brother had wanted an apple when he arrived in America. It was sad that his family was split up but also happy that the apple almost signified a new beginning for them. An excellent job describing your panel.

  10. Wonderful job done by your group. The meaning of an apple given to Pedro, knowing how much this meant to his brother in an earlier conversation with Pedro really shows tenderness and honor. I wonder if Pedro ever at the apple or did he just keep it and cherish what it meant? I like the way you brought in page 33 in your paragraph. What your group shared with these panels was great! Kathy

  11. Oh the apple, yes. It was a point in the book where you really felt for Pedro's family and it made me feel like I was in his position. I cannot imagine having everything planned and ready for the whole family to go to America and then having to leave some of them behind. It's just a very sad. Good use of symbolism. I like how you pointed out that he took the panel with both hands. That was an excellent observation.

  12. Interesting analogies of what is going on in this panel; I think that you hit right on for the most part. In reading I also thought that the apple showed a new beginning for Pedro and his family. A new world, outside of cuba! The other analogies are spot on in my mind, with the little hands taking the apple from the big hands, symbolizing help and charity in this new country! Great job Team!!
