Friday, March 19, 2010

Page 29 Panel

By Angela, Aaron and Jazmin

In the panel on page 29 of Pedro and Me, Judd is shown receiving the news that he will be a cast member on the Real World. This is portrayed as a major turning point in Judd’s life; this is shown by the relation to the other important moments in his life and also the look on his face, he looks very happy to be having this conversation. This panel in the book fits in with the rest of the novel because it is the point where Judd is accepted as a cast member on the Real World and ultimately this puts him in contact with Pedro. So really this is a life changing moment for Judd. As Judd says, “This was a moment in time when I was aware that my life would change forever.”

The darkness that surrounds Judd in the panel puts the focus specifically on him, there is no background, it is simply him receiving the news that he will be a cast member. The fact that the panel only includes Judd shows how important this is to him, and how nothing else at that moment is important. The words in bold print describe how Judd is feeling at the time he is receiving the news, this is more detailed than the actual conversation he is having. Some parts of the conversation appear, but the focus is really on his feelings. This also shows how important this moment in his life is. Another detail that adds to the important of this moment is the expression on Judd’s face. He seems to be very content; he doesn’t look shocked or very surprised. He looks simply very satisfied. It is almost like he knows things will be good from here on out. The fact that Judd is on the phone is also a defining detail of how he received the news. It wouldn’t be the same if it just showed him standing there looking happy. Instead he is shown with the phone up to his ear, this is important in showing how he actually received the news. The phone is symbolic in keeping the panel true to how Judd received the news about The Real World.

When you look at the complete panel, it is clear that Judd is in a life changing moment. This is shown by the drawing and supported by the text that describes the conversation he is having and how he is feeling. I think it is very clear in the point it is making and does a good job portraying the feelings Judd is having at the time.


  1. I agree that the plain black background gives focus to how important this was to him. Also, the way only parts of the conversation are mentioned not only cuts down on space, but that is how it is in real life sometimes when we receive news. We only remember the highlights and the details are not important. When I was first reading this book, I also thought that his expression was content. Not SUPER happy, or shocked, but just content.

  2. I think you group did an excellent job at writing this paragraph, it’s clear, flows nicely and gets to the point. I like that you chose this panel because you are right it is a huge life changing moment for Judd. I like you “broke down” his feelings and explained to everybody what you thought he was feeling. I like how you pointed out the detail of the phone and I like how you brought up the fact that Judd is physically huge because this was a huge moment is his life. Good job!

  3. I think your group did a great job writing this paragraph. I was able to visualize the panel, the look on Judd's face, and the emotions that he was experiencing. One of the things that I especially liked was how your group pointed out the dark background and all the attention put onto only Judd. I suppose the dark background could mean several different things but I really liked the meaning that you put with it. Great job!

  4. You did a great job analyzing this panel. I agreed with everything that you pointed out. I might have added in terms of how Judd looks the quote that says "out of the 30,000 self-important…" He looks very self-important in the panel. Another thing I wish you would had analyzed was that this was a full page panel, whereas most of the other panels in the book are not. You did seem to note why this is so, but not that it is so. Overall, I really liked your written work and I really liked the panel that you chose to analyze.

  5. Jody Parsons
    Winick is very good showing emotions in his drawings, and Judd does look happy and confused at the same time, since the conversation starts out with him being excited about moving in to the house, and the a little confused about having a person that has HIV living in the house with him. I think that is why his mouth is not in a full blown smile. The panel is trying to show a wide variety of emotions.

  6. I think your group did a great job analyzing page 29. I especially liked your comment on the dark background used on the page. When I first bought the book and flipped through the pages, the use of white and black backgrounds was one of the first things I noticed (honestly I thought the chapter dividers were a waste of ink). Also I agree that the facial expression portrayed gives readers insight on how Judd was feeling when he received the news.

  7. I really enjoyed reading your analysis of the panel on Page 29. I never thought a whole lot about the significance of this page, but your blog post helped me to see the importance of this moment in Winick's life. You are right - the look on his face is a look of satisfaction. He seems genuinely happy to have been chosen to be on The Real World. I kind of see a little nervousness in his grin as well. The middle text indicates that he was proud to have been selected out of so many candidates. Little did he know that this experience would change his life so drastically.
